Have you ever gotten lost in the maze of disability related resources? The maze can be large overwhelming and incredibly confusing. Having a disability myself, I have navigated this giant maze many times. I would love to assist you along your journey as well. I have dealt with the following issues on a very deep level. Please contact me if you need assistance with any of these areas:

  • The Ticket To Work Program.
  • Navigating special education in high school.
  • Transitioning out of high school into the work world or into the college environment.
  • Preparing for college from a special-education standpoint.
  • Preparing and navigating through college with a disability.
  • Medicaid.
  • Connecting people with the proper government or local resource to help them be as successful as possible in our incredibly busy world.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
  • Coping and growing up with disabilities.
  • Entering the work world and receiving proper accommodations.
  • Understanding disability rights when it comes to the work world.
  • Albert Einstein

    When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.

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