Thank you Jon for a wonderful presentation! I appreciated your honesty about your struggles and how you handle the struggles. Thank you for sharing your views on Assistive Technology, I have shared your advice with several people.
Great presentation! I really liked his funny stories and his positive attitude. He really makes you think!
I thought it was a great presentation. It's great to know that there are students that are willing to share their stories and experiences. The presentation helped me see people's differences in a new light.
Jon came to talk to my Lib class and he offered an extremely insightful perspective. He is so open-minded and care-free. His stories and personality will make you think twice about those with disabilities. It was so reassuring that he was so full of life!
Jon was so eye opening to the world outside of what normal people believe. He was really funny and just a wonderful person. It is really refreshing to encounter someone who thinks about life the way he does and can laugh about things and be serious as well. Thanks so much Jon, keep up the great work! God Bless.
I just wanted to thanks you for speaking to in my lib 100 class last week. I have great respect for you and all that you have and continue to do that reminds us that we all are unique and a disability is no reason to look at someone badly. Keep up the good work :-)
I love that you are so comfortable with talking about your disability. Most people would not want to talk about it, and it is nice that you are willing to talk about it. I liked your story about how you tipped over in the van. Ha Ha Ha!!! it must have been an experience that you laughed about long after. I hope that I see you around campus, and I hope to see you in a presentation again! Thanks for coming and talking to our class!
It was great hearing you talk so naturally. I now feel more comfortable with disabilities in general. Everyone else seemed to have a great time also.
Personally it was a life changing experience. I will never see the disabled in the same way anymore.
I am glad to hear someone so comfortable with themselves. You did a great job on your speech in my liberal education class. Thank you for taking the time to do your speeches.
Very informative and inspirational. Thank you for the tips, names, information. Thanks so much!
I asked Jon to present to students in our Educational Technology graduate program at Boise State University on the practical uses of assistive and adaptive technologies. It was not your usual presentation however, because it was conducted completely online using web conferencing software. Not only did Jon’s knowledge, talent and general good humor shine in this forum, but his message was inspiring and thought-provoking. I can’t thank him enough for enhancing my students’ understanding of the practical application and true value in equalizing learning through the use of these technologies.
As a future teacher, the presentation was fantastic for continuing my knowledge in the technology world. It was beneficial for me so I can be more accommodating for my students with disabilities. It gives me a better understanding that the schools cannot just settle on the programs that came with Microsoft Windows and spend a few more dollars so in order for the students to achieve more with the specialized programs. Thank you Jon. Job well done. All the best.
It was very refreshing to have Jon come to our class to give a presentation. I didn't really think of it as a presentation though-It felt more like a "hang out" session with Jon, which I liked even more than a structured presentation.
Jon did a wonderful job speaking about post-secondary education, accessing accommodations for students with disabilities and college life in general. My high school students were engaged and freely asked questions. Jon made them feel comfortable with his open, friendly style. He is a wonderful role model for students of his high school alma mater, especially those with learning challenges. Thanks, Jon, for your humor and honesty.
You recently spoke in my Art 331 class and I just wanted to let you know that you are such an inspiration. You are also a great speaker and I hope that you are able to continue to pass on your positive attitude.
Super nice guy. We can learn a lot from Jon. His outlook on life is positive, and he made me realize that I shouldn't stress over the small things, and realize that no matter what... life is good!
I thought your presentation was awesome! I enjoyed listening to you so much. You are so funny and inspiring. Before listening to your speech, I really didn't know very much about cerebral palsy. I knew the medical definition but I really didn't know about what life was like with the disease. You helped me to see that life with cp really isn't that different than life without it. Thanks again for coming and speaking to our class.
Amazing. Jon has a way with connecting with students that goes way beyond ableism. He allowed them to see the importance of questioning what is normal, shattering stereotypes, examining their own boundaries and comfort zones, and did it all masterfully through personal narrative and humor. A powerful learning experience for everyone. Highly recommended!
I thought it was a great speech! He is very open to all sorts of questions and he is very comfortable with his disability. He is also very flexible with his presentation style and is able to adapt it to various types of audiences. He made me smile the whole time!
The day I made that statement, about the inventing the internet, I was tired because I'd been up all night inventing the Camcorder.